Data Structure (数据结构)-Autumn 2020

School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

Instructor: Meng Wang

AI classes
Teaching Assistant: Yu Yang (杨钰)
Email: 1773033612 [at]

Slides (课件) | Assignments (作业)

Greeting! Have fun with DS and programming! 各位小伙伴们,欢迎大家来到数据结构的学习课堂,开启一段精彩纷呈的编程之旅!

Slides (课件)

  1. [Sep. 2020] Introduction: What is Data Structure and Asymptotic Analysis. [intro.pptx]
  2. For copyright reasons, slides of next chapters will not be shared online. Please e-mail me if you need it.
  3. I provide a online Rubik's Cube for you. Enjoy it! (Inspired by puzzle games: 2×2×2 Rubik's Cube and Maze. The Rubik's Cubes optimal solutions analysis is here: Algorithms for Solving Rubik’s Cubes)
  4. ...

Assignments (作业)

Submission Statistics:

Here are statistics of the assignment submission: statistics, and will be updated after each due passing.(Dec 14. 2020)


You should submit all proofs or answers using LaTeX (Tex Live) with TeXstudio (a graphical interface editor: Windows version/ MacOS version). If you don't want to install LaTeX, Overleaf is a online environment to compile your LaTeX documents.
  1. Homework 1 : PDF file | LaTeX template. Please submit the PDF version to assistant. Deadline Countdown: due passed
  2. Homework - Real Life Data Structures Task: Please look for data structures in your real life (like this) and submit the photos to assistant. Deadline Countdown:

  3. Homework 3 : Stack and Queue: PDF file | LaTeX template. Please submit the PDF version to assistant. Deadline Countdown: due passed

  4. Homework 4 : Dijkstra's algorithm: PDF file | LaTeX template. Please submit the PDF version to assistant. Deadline Countdown: due passed

  5. Homework 4 : Locality Sensitive Hashing: PDF file | LaTeX template. Please submit the PDF version to assistant. Deadline Countdown:


Note, please submit the source codes of your projects to assistant.
  1. The first love story and task are described here (project1.pdf), please finish and submit the solution to assistant before deadline. Deadline Countdown: due passed
  2. Expression Evaluation: (project2.pdf), please finish and submit the solution to assistant before deadline. Deadline Countdown: due passed
  3. Huffman Tree: (project3.pdf), please finish and submit the solution to assistant before deadline. Deadline Countdown: due passed
  4. The assignment of Topological Sort is described here (project4.pdf), please finish and submit the solution to assistant before deadline. (For this project you may work with a partner) Deadline Countdown: due passed